11 August

Robin’s Joke Of The Day: What Does A Cat Call A Big Problem?

by Jon Katz

A CATastrophe!

Robin says she has a hundred jokes and is happy to share them with me. I’m delighted to get them.  I’m asking for one a day. Robin is my granddaughter; she lives in Brooklyn.


  1. Jon, each photo is a masterpiece. How can Emma ever improve on this one? Fantastic.
    I love the flower pictures. That morning star!

  2. Another knock knock joke: knock knock. Who’s there? Bitch and Jimmy
    Bitch and Jimmy who?

    Butch your arms around me and Jimmy a little kiss!!!

  3. Jon, Robin is a beauty. She’s smart and inventive, curious and artistic. But her face reminds me of Botticelli’s painting, “Birth of Venus.” She’s got that ethereal countenance.
    Emma’s photos of her are superb.

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