7 August

Monday Morning Rain Walk. More Foot Success! My Brace Is Good For At Least Six Months. Rain All Day

by Jon Katz

More foot success. David Messenger of CPO  (Clinical Prosthetics and Orthotics) and builder of my brace says my foot reacts beautifully to my new brace; he doesn’t need to see me for at least six months. He and Dr. Daly have released me from regular care and observation.

This is excellent news; it is both affirming and liberating. The foot adventure is going out to be a success, something that will provide a significant boost to my health and well-being.

David, who has become a good friend,  looked at my foot and said it all looked wonder, just as Dr. Daly said the other day. So I’m off and ready to do more walking if the heat and rain will give me a break.

I got back from Saratoga in a rainstorm. If you can’t beat them, join them and take a few rain pictures in the rain. Come and see. I’m heading to the Mansion Memory Care Unit with some stuffed animals and teddy bears in a few minutes.

I’m bringing some Amish necklaces as well. Come and walk in the rain with me.

This rain is steady but not heavy. The flowers will be okay, I think.


Dave Messenger, thanks for your wonderful brace. I love walking again. I’m grateful. See you in February, David, I’ll come dancing down the hall.


  1. glad to hear of excellent news as to your new brace and how well it is working for you! Such good news! And……sending heartfelt wishes for your Birthday tomorrow, Jon. Each year seems to get better than the last……and may you continue to grow and savor life not only tomorrow but in the many years to come!
    Much love from me to you
    Susan M

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