7 August

Moment Photo, Monday, August 7, 2023. Tomorrow, I’m A Birthday Boy

by Jon Katz

Tomorrow is my 76th birthday. I’m not embarrassed or shy about being that old; I’m surprised I’ve lived this long.

I never expected to make it this far. I don’t make a big deal of birthdays, although I use them to reflect on my life; as I get older, there is more and more to reflect on. I’ll write about it later today.

Maria is taking me on a canal ride this Saturday to celebrate; she likes to take me places on my birthday – I got a balloon ride a few years ago. Β On her birthday, I want to sweep her away to old inns.

This canal ride is 90 minutes down the old shipping canals outside Schuylerville. It will be fun. I will sit on this later in the day and figure out how to think about my 76th birthday. I think the Leica is coming also. I think I need a name for the Leica. Suggestions are welcome.

It is interesting to be so close to the end of life rather than the beginning. In my head, I’m in my 20s and 30s; I never think of myself as old, even though I am so much better at being old than I was at being young. I’m making fewer mistakes. More later.

It’s a good day to do good.


  1. My suggestion for your Leica name would be Bella, a play on the Russian stringed instrument, ballalaika. BELLA LEICA seems fitting as bella also means ” beautiful”. Happy Birthday, Jon!

  2. Happy Birthday and what a great adventure Maria has planned. I’m thinking Venus for the name of your camera. Venus, the Goddess of Love & Beauty. A Goddess of Self-Love and Gardens as well πŸ’•

  3. Have a wonderful birthday – a canal ride sounds so interesting! I had my 72nd in May, and was just talking with friends the other day how I never think of myself as over 40. πŸ™‚

  4. I would name the camera Dickey, in honor of Dickey Chapelle. She was a famous war correspondent and photographer from WW2 through Vietnam. She has a slew of iconic B&W war images to her credit and has won a number of awards. She was independent and fearless. Unfortunately she was killed while embedded with a group of marines. Her biography was a fascinating read. She preferred Leicas and her favorite was a Leica M2.

  5. I’m having my 80th birthday end of this month. Don’t know how it happened so fast. However, still out and about with many friends…a good deal of them from my high school days even though I live no where near where I went to high school. Just very good about keeping in contact over the years. Small gathering of close friends in the work. My best friend from school who is just ONE DAY older than me will be here – we celebrate most birthdays together and it has been over 60 years of friendships. So, to me, friendship is an important part of my life. Happy Birthday, Jon.

  6. Happy Happy Birthday! πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚ The canal ride sounds like a lot of fun. And your photos are lovely. Thank you for the pleasure of reading you.

  7. I have taken that canal ride and it is wonderful.
    Enjoy your birthday special “cruise”.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow. Happy Birthday

  8. Happy Birthday, Jon! I will be celebrating YOU and the blessings your blog brings to me. Thank you for the daily bread! I think Lizzie would be a good name for a busy Leica!

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