7 August

Laughing At Me As My Birthday Approaches

by Jon Katz

Yesterday I wrote about my belief that the donkeys find me amusing after our years of living together. I think they are often laughing at me. Then I got a photo of it. This is a picture of the donkeys laughing at me. They know I’m a sap, and they find me odd.


  1. They are laughing WITH you, Jon, not AT you. (They know where their cookies come from!) And they, as well as I, wish you a most happy birthday!

  2. Hi Jon….
    I miss your follow it emails; for some unknown reason, I haven’t received any since 8/5/2023. Maybe a glitch of some sort? I really enjoy reading them. Hope can be resolved. Thanks very much and have a good one!

  3. Happy Birthday Jon…today I will spend some time celebrating you and the gift of all that you do for others here on good planet earth.

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