7 August

Gravel Mountain Is Gone, Re-Shaping The Pole Barn And Much Of The Pasture. This One Was Grueling

by Jon Katz

Mike Conlkin came over in his tractor this afternoon to help us tackle Gravel Mountain, a couple of tons of damp gravel we re-distributed to put a new floor on the Pole Barn, fill cracks in the previous foundation, level the gate and pole barn area for better drainage, and a half other things that you do with gravel.

We were foolish to think we could do it ourselves; Mike agreed to come with his favorite tractor and help us. He’s paid, of course, but he also saves our butt repeatedly.

It was amazing to see him work; the mountain is gone, the Pole Barn has a clean and soft new foundation, and we’ve added gravel to improve the drainage.

Maria and Mike worked together; he dumped the sand into the barn; I had suggestions; Maria got a shovel and scattered it evenly across the barn. She shoved for two or three hours, and they got it done. It was a huge task, one we’ll do differently next time.

It was not something I could physically help with, but I could stand back and take a more comprehensive view and help spot holes and weaknesses.

I have to say that together we were a pretty impressive team. We worked in silent sync, using looks and hand signals – tractors are noisy. It came off flawlessly done. The animals came up to watch; the donkeys were especially curious.

The gravel was damp and heavy from all the rain; moving was complicated. We love our farm but would never call it a perfect life.

I offered to take Maria out to dinner to celebrate – this is a significant and grueling chore long overdue. Still, she reminded me that we were exhausted, that tomorrow was my birthday, and that we would almost certainly be going out somewhere.

At one point, the sheep came barging in, demanding to know what was happening. They exchanged sounds with Maria and then left indignantly. They’ll be grateful tonight.

I don’t know how she does it; I was exhausted just from watching. Somehow, she thrives on it, but she will sleep well tonight.

Mike is a wonderful friend and an absolute pleasure to work with. He always comes when we need him and always does a beautiful job. It is excellent to have this done for the animal’s sake. He is much more than a handyperson; he’s part of the soul of our farm.

We are prepared for winter now.

This is a big load off of both of us. We could never have done it all alone, not even with Tarzana. Mike is always easygoing and cheerful. Nothing rattles him.

That was a big and challenging job, we got more gravel than we ordered, and it was the size of a tiny mountain.

All done. Good work, no more mud bogs in the winter.

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