7 August

Closing In. Tarzana Is Ready For One Last Cord. I’ve Give Up On Getting Help…

by Jon Katz

Maria is closing in on the wood that needs to be stacked in the woodshed for the winter. She has just a handful (for her) of cords left; I’ve ordered one more line just to be sure. She says she will be happy to stack that as well.

I think she’ll finish this batch in a day or so if the weather is clear and the last cord is coming in two weeks. I’ve given up at hiring anyone to help, and decided to give thanks for having a partner and wife like this.

This morning, I went to Saratoga to make adjustments to my new brace, if necessary. I got a good workout yesterday; I walked around for four hours outside. No complaints.

Later today, I hope to get to the Mansion Memory Care Unit with Zinnia to pass out some stuffed animals I’ve collected over the past few weeks. Thanks for your help in purchasing them; they were all on sale.

Our hay is all in; the roof is fixed, and our generator is battle tested. All I have to do is place an order for our oil fuel, we keep a small amount as a backup, but primarily we heat the house on solar and wood stoves. Maria loves to stack the wo; the three dogs usually sit at their fence, cheering her on. One day I’ll publish a photo album of stacking photos.

We were blessed with a beautiful dusk last night. I keep wondering at the beauty of climate change in the midst of all the suffering.


  1. Hi Jon. I haven’t been receiving your email blog for the past couple days. I’ve tried to send you an email about it but that doesn’t want to go. So I’m hoping you’ll see this message and perhaps have your tech team check? I’ve been a subscriber for years and love the blog – it starts my day. Thank you!

  2. Good morning to all at Bedlam Farm. I haven’t been getting the email blog either for the last couple of days. Hope it can be resolved. It’s a great way to start the day! Thank you so much.

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