28 July

Bid Day In Bedlam. Free Art Flower Show In The Heat Wave On Preparing For Winter Day. Come And See. Friday, July 28, 2023.

by Jon Katz

It’s Friday morning, with heat and storm alerts everywhere. I can’t really have a day in weeks without some warnings and alerts. Human beings are resilient; we get used to almost everything. I feel these weather issues are waking a lot of people up. Today is a big day at Bedlam Farm. Trucks are coming in and out all day.

We’re getting our full hay delivered for the winter; we got a truckload of travel. for a dry and clean Pole Barn; we have all the wood we need for winter on the farm, ready to go to the woodshed. Our generator is gassed up and ready to go.

I know it’s late July, but that is farm life. Forgetting the next season is a perilous and frightening thing to do. I get right on it first thing in Spring. I learned early never to be scrambling for hay in the Fall. It’s very often too late, especially this year. The rains have wreaked havoc on harvesting crops like hay.

The Lisanthus turned pink last night… I have a Black Pearl Lisanthus about to open.

I love the feel of these white flowers, like a school of fish moving through the water.

The begonias are holding their own, and then some.

Strawberry plants forever


A poppy popped up out of nowhere.


  1. Your flowers are really beautiful ! Also enjoy your blog . Thank you , sincerely . Rich K

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