A whole morning, an exciting one. I’m taking Maria out for breakfast, then going to the Moses Market to see if Judy has any beautiful flowers to replace the ruined ones, then to the Farmers Market, then to Shift to get some breakfast smoothies for the week, then home to eat some of our home-grown potatoes with green beans, then to see the movie Barbie this afternoon (Oppenheimer On Wednesday). This is my kind of morning; more later. I hope to review Barbie.
A flower in my garden always takes my breath away and shines my soul.
First thing in the morning, every morning, Maria sings to the donkeys and brushes their coats. They love it.
I got this portrait of Maria yesterday. I think it’s unique.
Blue sky: Bedlam Farm just after sunrise. We are off to breakfast at Jean’s Place.
Maria looks pensive. That’s an interesting portrait, perfect in black and white. It captures her mood but what that mood is can be open to interpretation.