20 July

Walk With Us Through The Morning Chores, They Start With The Sun, When There Is One. From Darkness To Blue Sky

by Jon Katz

Come with us on the daily morning chores; it is a peaceful and vital time.

If there is one, we get up with the sun and the darkness, if not. Maria goes out into the Pole Barn, and the donkeys and sheep get up and follow her.

Before she collects the sheep, she brings a small bucket of leftover food and vegetables. The donkeys come up slowly and calmly and wait for her to stick her hand out with a treat on the palm of her hand.



The donkeys get first attention, but then she goes up and collects the sheep, who follow her like the Pied Piper.

She walks down to the pasture gate, loyal followers in the rear coming along. There is no running r bumping allowed; everyone moves slowly and peacefully. Fate is always with Maria, waiting for her chance to run madly in circles around the sheep.

Maria and the sheep walk out in the pasture. Maria usually breaks off to do her videos and photos. Then, on the way back to the farmhouse, one of us (mostly Maria) cleans out the manure in the barn.

No matter when they get up, the donkeys patiently wait for us.

We return to the house for breakfast when the blue sky shows up. One steadfast farm rule: we never eat until the animals eat. That is the code of all of the farmers that we know. I’m off to see a doctor about some rashes and hives. More later. I’m excited about Ron Dotson coming to dinner tonight.




  1. Jon, that first picture with the sun is stunning! It evokes the feeling of how you and Maria cherish the mornings. Beautiful.

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