19 July

Photo Journal, Wednesday, July 19, 2023. Adventures In Color And Light. No Flower Grows Alone. A Good, Dry Day

by Jon Katz

It was a good day, warm but not scary hot.

I had a great time visiting Memory Care with Ron Dotson this morning; I’m trying to figure out what caused an outburst of hives.

Tomorrow I have a regularly scheduled visit with my primary care nurse, Amy Eldridge. We’ll figure this out.

I haven’t seen her since all the excitement with my foot took off a couple of months ago. She keeps track of everything.

I’ll show her my new brace; she might have some ideas about the hives. It will be good to see her and review these past few months. She is easy to talk to.

Maria is at her belly dancing class, I’ve been blogging and photographing, and now, I’ll be reading.

We’ll talk when she gets home; she’s usually wiped out after three hours of belly dancing. I’m having a lot of trouble sleeping lately; I’m going to try going to bed earlier.

My garden bed is bouncing back; some heavy rains are coming this weekend and next week. As the weather people like to say these days, it’s not over yet.

Climate change is no longer a discussion to us; it’s life. People can argue about it all they wish.  I want to be ready and, hopefully, helpful.

We’re getting a two-cord wood dump again tomorrow; Maria says she wants to handle it. I’ll stay out of it. She can take it; she does handle it all the time.

This weekend, we’ll put our composting toilet together and see what’s what. It will be interesting, if nothing else. Sales of these toilets have gone through the roof all over the country. I have a good feeling about it.

Study in purple, dusk.

A color explosion; I love the buds shooting up on the left like an explosion.

As the sun was going down over the hills, I saw a bouquet of white and light.

As always, the Photo Journal would be nothing without the two donkeys standing out of the sun. I guess they do like being photographed.



  1. I Wonder what you were doing with the camera that was different today. These photos have such clarity, I could almost reach onto the page and touch the flowers. Wow!

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