16 July

Still Life: The Fate At Rest Collection. A Photo Painting

by Jon Katz

I love taking pictures of Fate at rest. These photos are what I call photopaintings; they combine photography with painting in a certain way; they are an experiment I like a lot.

People ask me if I will permit them to use the photos as screen savers and home pages on phones or print them out.

Of course, the answer is yes. They are my offerings to those who have supported me all these years, one way to pay back.

I don’t bookmark or copyright them; they are free for blog readers to use in any way they wish. And no, the pictures will never be T-shirts, nor will they be a part of printed books. The blog is my book.


  1. Next, set up your art pieces in a gallery! I would absolutely love that to happen for you and the rest of the world.

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