14 July

Some Art Photos: Lost In The Excitement

by Jon Katz

I’ve been swamped the past few days but also busy. I haven’t forgotten my art photos, and I just haven’t had the time or the proper boots or jackets to wade out there in the storms. I got out for a while. The heat and humidity are nasty.

Art photography is important to me. The idea is to see more than just one flower at a time, but the community of flowers, how they interact with one another, and how they send color and light out into the world. People need it; I am learning. More storms coming tonight, so I want to get them posted.

We are planning to take our wool to Vermont tomorrow to get spun into yarn. The roads we need to take are clear, so we are heading out in the morning.

A study in purple and white.

Storm Survivors, Red in the Rain.


Red on yellow. Flowers are ready to come out in the world.


  1. I love them all, but especially the first one. The little red flower but looks, in my imagination, like a small creature with 2 protruding red eyes, a fancy hat, and a fuzzy skirt with one leg hanging down in relaxation. I have a lot of fun picturing this.
    Your art photography appears to me to be a deeper seeing. Thanks for sharing them

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