12 July

Flower Recovery Journal, Wednesday, July 12: Fighting Back From The Storm! Scrappy Buggers…

by Jon Katz

Maria is belly dancing, and I’m holed up with the dogs and some wonderful books (see below). I spent a couple of hours trimming, moving, and dead-heading my flowers, some of which were severely damaged by all the rain. More is expected tomorrow and this weekend. God help Vermont.

Tomorrow, a Mansion visit with Zinnia, a ton of work to do. More rain coming. I have a lot to write. Thanks for reading the blog and supporting my work. I appreciate it.

Suddenly, the sun came out, and I went out with my camera to see how my battered flowers were doing. It was hot and humid, but a breeze next to what Arizona is going through. I am holed up with air conditioning in my study.

I lost a dozen or more plants, some of which I can revive, some of which are just a wreck. I have to say the survivors are roaring back full of color and sass.


The zinnias are popping up I made my first bouquet of 2023 and its full of Zinnias and sitting on the dining room table.

My begonias love damp weather and cloudless days. I love taking their photos.

This flower is the Marilyn Monroe of my flowers, sexy, alluring, attractive, and exotic. I love the center of her, she has a big and beautiful soul.

My Raven, on position on the garden beds, where he will spend the summer. Then he’ll move to winter quarters on my desk.


  1. You have the most gorgeous zinnias I have ever seen. All your flowers are so beautiful. They nourish my soul as I recuperate alone at home.

  2. The rabbits have eaten many of my flowers. Even the ones they aren’t supposed to like. Trying some others…..they have left the marigolds and New Guinea impatiens alone. Almost bought some zinnias, but I was afraid I’d be too aggravated if they ate them. Yours look great.

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