8 July

Photo Journal, Saturday, July 8, 2023: Life Is Busting Out In The Garden Beds, Come See, It’s Free

by Jon Katz

The Earth Laughs In Flowers…” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Life is busting out all over my garden beds; I’m working hard to keep up with it. I can’t quite believe how many beautiful flower photos there are to take if I burrow in and look.  I didn’t get to half of the pictures I wanted to take today.

I focused on the new births. These new and vibrant living things are meant to be captured and shared. (Above, a blood-red sunflower plant)

This yellow is glorious to me…



I’ve had this one for a week, and it’s starting to grow with enthusiasm.

These are two of my four Lisantheus plants, one of my very favorites last year picture wise. It should be soon.

I call them holy flowers or angel flowers

My first two Zinnia’s, are about to bust open.

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