3 July

The Peaceful Kingdom. Time For Silence, Donkeys And Sheep Need It To.

by Jon Katz

Animals need silence and peace just as people do. Every morning, we let the donkeys and sheep out into one of our three green pastures and leave them for about 90 minutes.  They usually come into the Pole Barn before their time is up (they get two or three feedings a day, depending on the grass).

When they are full, they all come into the barn and settle. It is quiet, they are all still and respectful of one another’s need for silence, and it seems, some contemplation.

I like to join them and soak up the quiet.


Sheep, like cows, are good at resting.

When Lulu wants a treat, she comes over to the gate and brays very softly. She has my number. It works every time.

The rains have stopped. Maria and I will be working today, but taking it a little easier than usual. We may go out to dinner tonight. I’m still a little weak in the later afternoons, but very much on the mend. I can’t resist walking, so I overdo it a bit.

Like the animals, I’m learning how to rest. Sort of.

Imperious Hens Eating Worms I Give Them Every Morning


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