3 July

Symmetry: Something’s Happening With The Donkeys And My Pictures

by Jon Katz

Donkeys are well known for being stubborn and independent. Everything has to be their idea. But something has happened in recent weeks since I started posting many flower photos.

Whenever I look in my viewfinder, I see the donkeys in almost perfect symmetry and composition right out in front of me.

I hardly ever got photos of the donkeys like that; the minute I wanted to take a picture, they would vanish or move behind something as if they were taunting me unless I was holding an alfalfa cube.

Now, every picture I take of them is a perfect postcard, with donkeys either alongside one another or standing with one in front of the other, in an ideal calendar phase.

I don’t want to overdo this, but I think they are reacting to my excitement about flower photos; donkeys are like that; they have an amazing gift for reading human moods and desires. They are more intelligent than dogs and almost supernaturally intuitive.

And they have lived and worked with humans for many thousands of years. I have this strange sense they are working with me now.

Every time I head out to the card beds with a camera, they are right there, helping to compose the picture. They seem to understand symmetry and composition.


  1. Have you considered that when you are focused on the flowers (literally and mentally) they realize you are NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM!!! and ease into a place where you’ll notice them? I’ve lived with a couple of cats who always knew how to do that. Before I figured it out, I amassed a collection of Ming’s hind end going around a corner. When I started focusing the camera on other things, she showed up, often IN the shot and participating. Cats, donkeys, and (my) kids — there is a thread running through that.

    1. Yes, very interesting, thanks for mentioning it..the donkeys are clever enough to do that..nice message…

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