2 July

Guess Who Came For Breakfast?

by Jon Katz

I was near the barn when Maria came running out, grinning from ear to ear. Few things make her happier than spotting a Raven, a hawk, a Heron (she saw two yesterday), or any baby animal. (She saw a newborn fawn with its mother out in the back pasture yesterday.)

I was initially alarmed; she seemed so excited, yelling, “Jon, come see what I found inside the house,”  and then I saw her holding something in her hand.

I had to peer into her hands to see what it was.

She said she came across it sitting on the carpet in the living room (fortunately, Bud was outside).


I saw a baby tree frog who somehow got into the house, and we were sure it was trying to get out. Maria said he had dog hair all over him when she could see him, but he stayed calm as she picked it off.

We put him in the apple tree above, and he spent an hour or two there and climbed up into the branches.

I wish him a happy life. It’s already a lucky one; a baby animal can’t do better than getting discovered by Maria. She saved a couple of barn swallow babies who had fallen out of the following week.

The frog had tiny suction cups on his feet and human-like eyes. I suspect Maria is busy scouring the Internet for stories about baby tree frogs. We are both glad he got where he belonged.


  1. I am a life-long frog lover. For several years i had a cabin on a quiet deep Wisconsin lake, where I’d go to relax. One day I was preoccupied and deep in thought, and I needed supplies in town, so I climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car. When I finally glanced at the windshield, I was surprised–and amused–to see tiny tree frogs’ suction-cup-feet scattered across the windshield!! They’d apparently descended from the tree under which I’d parked my car. I decided to make the trip to town later rather than disturb the delightful crowd.

    OH, MY BAD!
    Jeremiah was a bullfrog. Was a good friend of mine.
    The Tree Frog’s name could be “Sticky Hands”. Or maybe ” Climbing Man”.
    “The Garden Lookout”

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