29 June

Home For A Minute

by Jon Katz

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and have to head back to Saratoga Springs to see another doctor about a possible $4,000 implant. We’ll see. In the meantime, I paused to take some sweet photos of flowers. Here’s one. More to come later.


  1. Alas, I’m thinking of you and your beautiful flower photos and have a hopeful suggestion. The Lang company which makes art calenders, located in Waukesha WI, has a contact page where you can submit art work. It may be something interesting to look into. With your published reputation and ability to put words and photos together, I think you would create a beautiful calender.
    Warm wishes to you and Maria. I do so enjoy your blog. Nancy

    1. Thanks so much for this wonderful message Nancy, I’m afraid I won’t want to put the flowers anywhere but where they are – on my blog…I don’t need to make calendars, the blog is my calendar…I am so glad you like them and thanks for thinking of me..j

  2. Ah that’s Rose Campion in your photo. My hubs and I love them. They will reseed easily if they like where they are planted. Beautiful raspberry/pink flowers in grayish stems. Maybe 18 inches high. Highly recommend this flower.

  3. Since you posted about an expensive implant I thought I could give you my opinion. Don’t get upset with me. Why spend that much when you can get a bridge or get by without it. Of course your dentist is going to try to convince you to get one. He needs to pay the bills. Please don’t delete me from your blog.

    1. Sue, I am not upset with you, but I should be honest, as you are, and tell you that I take my medical information from professionals I get to meet and speak with and after a thorough examination. When we looked at the X-rays, you were not in the room, and he projected possible future trouble with my teeth if the space isn’t filled correctly. There were good reasons for an implant rather than a bridge, which I have in another part of the jaw.It wouldn’t work in this case.

      He made no effort to convince me or “sell” anything, that sounds cynical and bitter to me; he’s doing quite well without me and is booked for months; he just answered my questions honestly and thoughtfully and emphasized it was my decision, and only I could make it. I liked him a lot and trust him. He has a wonderful replutation. I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but I’m not looking to you for medical advice. I’m doing very well health wise talking to professionals who meet with me and examine me, not strangers online with a clear agenda. I personally believe it should be illegal for people without training to diagnose or dispense medical advice to strangers whose personal medical history they know nothing about. I appreciate your concern, and you have every right to your opinion, as I do mine. Your teeth are not my teeth; your history is not mine; you know nothing about my doctor. Social media allows us to express our opinions openly but it doesn’t make us the same thing a reality lost on many people. What you do is not automatically what I do, I don’t make decisions in this way. Best to you and thanks for caring, Jon

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