28 June

Rescue And Recovery: The Flowers Whisper, And Send A Message: “We’re Healing, And Fast…” Past The Scars

by Jon Katz

With my new Canna Lillies leading the charge, my storm-battered flowers were healing and showing their colors this morning, when I went out to assess the damage.  I see the scars, but they are as beautiful as ever.

Most of them showed some battle scars from the heavy rain, wind, and  some hail.

Some didn’t make it. Flowers healing are as beautiful as flowers untouched. Maria says I am healing as well, she said yesterday was the first day in several months that I seemed my normal self.

I’m glad to hear it, I am feeling a lot like my pre-surgery self. Tomorrow, a visit Dr. Daly to give her final blessing to the health and well-being of my reconstructed foot. My old brace is working well, I can’t wait to try the new one.

After tomorrow, no more bandages, no more surgeries, no more surgical boots, and no more sponges to keep me clean.

I’ve been walking all over the place, and running all over the place, and I am overjoyed to be walking again. Once she signs off tomorrow, I’m a free man again, at least for awhile.

This afternoon, I go and see Amy, my primary care nurse, and we’ll go over everything. My tests were great – the kidney stone has been shattered, my diabetes numbers are the best they have ever been, my heart is strong and stable.

I realize how tired and worn out my body has been as it returns to normal.

I’m ready to go and grateful for the chance. This morning is my Zoom meeting with Bedlam Farm readers, something I look forward to every week. Readers can be friends, something I am learning to trust.


The Canna lilies looked great this morning, freed from their plastic container, they just mushroomed up and out.

I love the colors of these new plants, soft and touching, the different parts seem to melt into one another.


Flowers are beautiful in every stage of their lives – birth, blossoming, in rain, after rain, in storms, after storms, with bees and bugs, or without them. Like me, my flowers are roaring back to life after taking a pounding for a bit.

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