28 June

A Little Rain Didn’t Stop The Determined Mansion Crew From Planting Their Tomato And Celery Plants, Laughing All The Way

by Jon Katz


Last year, we bought two small garden beds for the Mansion residents and those in Memory Care. They couldn’t set them up for various reasons until a few weeks ago. They were placed in the front gardens, a beautiful spot.

Yesterday I brought two trays of vegetables – tomato and celery. Robin, a new Mansion aide, the residents, have already come to love – makes everyone laugh – cajoled some brave souls (it was raining outside) to go out and plant the vegetables.

I’ll get more if there is a good place to plant others.

Despite the rain, it was a sweet and affirming time; everyone loved digging holes with their fingers and carefully inserting the plants. They talked about their gardens and plantings and reminisced about their gardens.  I stepped back and listened to laughter.

We had fun.

Robin kept encouraging the group to space the plants and get them deep enough. The planters were troopers; if the rain bothered them, they never said a word.

In a very touching moment for me, she picked a rose from one of the bushes in the garden and then gave it to Peg, who was struggling to get her walker onto the crass and near the beds.


After planting the tomatoes, they took the celery plants to another smaller bed in the garden. (Many thanks to Country Power Products, who donated these plants to the Mansion garden.) And to the Army Of Good, who raised the money for the beds.

They did a good job, and from their seats on the porch, they can keep an eye on the plants and ensure they are watered and cared for.

It will take a few weeks for these plants to grow.

Robin picks a rose and offers it to Peg, who was struggling today but was glad to come out and help with the planting. I work hard to make the residents laugh sometimes, Robin does it almost effortlessly, and that is no small thing.

Peg was the photo of the day, I thought. She was very happy to pose for her portrait. Robin did an excellent job, pushing gently but always kindly and keeping everyone smiling, even in the rain. She kept it moving, but it never stopped being fun.

Some people have the touch. The residents had a blast, even in the rain.



  1. Thank you so much Jon Katz for sharing this beautiful story about Robin! She is so filled with joy while doing this. The universe always connects the right people with the right place at the right time. My sister loves this work and it is so wonderful to see the residents smiling, and laughing as well as Rob’s beautiful smile! She has such a gift and you really did a wonderful job showing us a special person who tends very carefully to the gardens in her back yard and world.
    Best, Leah Matteson

  2. Thank you so much Jon Katz for sharing this beautiful story about Robin! She is so filled with joy while doing this. The universe always connects the right people with the right place at the right time. My sister loves this work and it is so wonderful to see the residents smiling, and laughing as well as Rob’s beautiful smile! She has such a gift and you really did a wonderful job showing us a special person who tends very carefully to the gardens in her “backyard”, community, and world.
    Best, Leah Matteson

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