27 June

Recovery Journal: This TIme For My Garden Bed, Damaged By Some Intense Storms. I Am Fighting Back, First With Camma Lillies

by Jon Katz

The storms and wind of the last few days have done a number of my garden beds, destroying some of them, blowing others over, and stripping a lot of beautiful flowers of their blooms.

This certainly will not stop me now or even slow me down. I went out today to pick up some vegetable plants for the Mansion Memory Care garden, and Country Power Products in Greenwich gave me two trays free of charge.

So far, we’ve escaped the worse of the climate change havoc torturing so much of the country. Sometimes, we feel it edging closer.

While there, I spotted two unique flowers, a yellow and red Canna Lily. I got both of them, waited for the storms to lessen, and planted them in the garden.

These are the first photos of them. They have been beaten up pretty severely themselves and are highly rootbound.

I think they will have a Czechoslovakian Spring, except in the summer. I am glad to see them in my garden.

Like my garden beds, I feel I am returning to myself. It just took longer than I thought.

These photos are dedicated to my garden bed rescue and recovery, which is already well underway. I did a lot of walking and running around today. It felt good.

The minute the sun came out, I came out. I love that the garden bed is a jumble of color and light. Just what I hoped it would be.

I’ve got some rebuilding; the rain and wind (and some hail, perhaps) did a number on my gardens. I will get them back into shape. The Canna Lilies will help; they are beautiful. I found good spots for both of them.

I’m looking forward to seeing this flower burst out in red; it has many buds ready to pop.


  1. Good choice! I love my canna lilies; they bloom all summer. They are perennials. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, they don’t have a main stalk with branches, they are just jungle growth coming out of the soil. Their leaves will die back to the soil line in the winter, and then the leaves grow again in the spring. They should live and gift you with flowers for many years.

    1. Thanks Maureen, at the end of summer, they’ll go to Maria’s garden, I’m very happy with them..

  2. We had canna lilies in our back yard in Dallas. They were the attractive Spring bloomers, following after the daffodils. Then came the leaf rollers.

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