26 June

Art Photos. Something Different. Severe Strorms Got My Flowers, I Lost Quite A few. Here Are Some Survivors

by Jon Katz

I guess it was inevitable. My garden beds were destroyed by high winds and heavy rains for hours; more storms are hours away. I see that I lost a lot of flowers. And a lot survived. I walked among the survivors during a storm break; I hear the rumbling again now, so I’ll be brief. I’ll get a better look in the morning. Some were pulled out of their roots and blown across the yard.

I have plenty of time to rebound, and I will.

I like these, though, and I’ve tried a few things. Art flowers are for patience and experimenting, grounding elements of any creative project.



These bids look like they are about to take off and ride the wind.


Maria salvaged some torn-up Nastirtiums and put them on the windowsill, knowing I would take the bait like a dog to a bone – refugee flowers. She knows what she is doing. I love this picture.

A lot of my yellow flowers are gone, spread over the lawn. This one hung on.

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