25 June

Grazing Series, Every Morning

by Jon Katz

The flower photos have become so beautiful in my eyes that I decided to take a picture of the animals grazing every morning to remind me where I am and how much I love it and to let my readers know that there are different kinds of beauty here.

It’s my job and my mission to capture and share them. They bring the light.

Donkeys grazing is a spiritual sight; it is iconic, ancient, and integral to the human and animal story. A sheep or donkey grazing has the same effect as meditation; it settles the heart and soul and grounds me.

This is deep in my blood and my chemistry, and I think the same is true for everyone; this is how we live and where we come from.

I am so lucky to have found it and kept it there, hopefully to the end. I love this farm; it is my mother in so many ways. It’s a miracle that Maria and I each found a partner who feels the same way and shares the same dream.

This photo is as beautiful and grounding as the most beautiful flower; I hope to take a grazing photo every morning; it brings peace and perspective to me and, hopefully, to you.


  1. Animal T-shirts please, maybe partnered with a rescue where proceeds go. I’d feel great about wearing beauty AND feeding rescues!!!

    1. Sweet thought Cynthia and thanks…It’s not for me; I’m not into T-shirts or partnering. Thanks for reading the blog tho…

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