24 June

Saturday: The Snapdragon Chronicles (And Some Beautiful Moths In Uniform Too) Pride And Proud

by Jon Katz

As you may have guessed, I got some new snapdragons today; I saw them when I went to the Moses Food stand and saw some beautiful Annuals for sale.

These beautiful flowers will not make t to November, but they will probably get me well into August. We also got some fabulous snap peas at one of our favorite vegetable food stands, the Bernard stand, just down the road.

These are among my favorites, photo-wise.

Earlier, we went into Bennington to scout parking for tomorrow’s Pride Parade; Maria and her fellow belly dancers will be marching in the parade and performing at the end of it.

I will be there for the parade and the performance, of course. I rarely see Maria dancing; I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

Maria will go earlier Sunday, and I’ll join her to see the parade and the performance. The group has been practicing for a week, and she is both nervous and excited.

This is a necessary time to go to the Pride Parade; our gay brothers and sisters are, sadly, under siege again. It makes my heart sink; everything we get there, we must get out and up and get there again.

Time to show the flag and be proud of my wonderful wife.


I bought three plants and rushed them into the raised beds while it rained. I did get soaked; it was worth it.

Some beautiful moths showed up in uniform. Their markings are striking; they seem to be working together.

Deep into the soul of a flower

I wanted to crawl into the soul of this flower and live there for a while.



  1. I love my snapdragons! Yours are beautiful. I’m looking forward to pictures from your parade and Maria and her sisters dancing! We had our celebration last weekend and the biggest celebration will be in Denver tomorrow! It is sad to see how cruel things have become for our LGBTQ family and friends. I am always concerned for my son and his partner, will they become victims of violence because they love each other? I pray not and our family loves and supports them both as do so many people in this country. I believe the good Lord gave us our gay son knowing that he would be loved for who he is. He is a blessing to our family! Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers and have a wonderful time tomorrow!

  2. just gorgeous flowers and moth photos Jon! I trust Maria (or you) have already ID’s the moths……. they love and benefit from your flower garden too! And have to say….seeing the red naugahyde (sp) counter stools at Jean’s……wow. You don’t see those often anymore…..they are spectacular and take me back to childhood at the soda fountain…..that we were able to visit about once every 3-4 months (if we did all our chores) for a root beer float! It was a special treat that has not been forgotten.
    Susan M

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