18 June

Photo Journal: A Mix Of Flowers, Art And Normal. A Sweet And Easy Day. Have A Blissful Night…

by Jon Katz

I’m getting my strength back. I feel pretty standard until after lunch, then I crash and need to rest. Then I rebound in the late afternoon. Every post-surgical recovery is the same, but now, I know I am getting better and recovering steadily; I can tell by my writing.

We had a beautiful day, sleeping late and going to the farmer’s market; I went for a walk and took some interesting photos. Today, a mix of art flowers and regular ones. I’ll be interested to see if people can see the difference; I bet they can. The Leica photos are almost always soft, so I love their glass so much.

I plan on getting to the Mansion on Tuesday for my memory class. Then to Dr. Daly on Thursday to get my stitches returned. I hope I can then return to a normal life.

Here are my photos. Then I cook dinner, read my book and sleep. Ian McRae would come for dinner, but he had to cancel. The pizza will be put to good use. Maria and I have been watching British mysteries at night, Vera, Inspector Morse, Inspector Lewis, and Adam Dalgleish.

I’ve read and followed British mysteries for much of my life; nothing is like them.

I hope you continue to enjoy the flower photos. I am.


There is nothing like the heart of a Peony

My first Copeopsis came to my garden bed today.

My first Delphinium

My beautiful little forest.

I’d love to get lost, deep in my garden bed.


  1. glad you are continuing on your healing journey……..and your photos stun me every day…..always a surprise and I must say for me……those Delphiniums just take the cake! The color, the capture………not much better than that! That blue/purple (almost indigo) is not a color one can capture well, as a rule, but you’ve done it! My very accomplished artistic friend Sandy Small Proudfoot in Canada could accurately *name* that color! Perhaps she’ll turn up to do so!
    Susan M

  2. The first the third the fourth and the fifth feel like art photos to me, but as always all of them are lovely and I so appreciate waking up to their beauty each day.

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