16 June

Good Morning: Today, The Very Fascinating Effort To Save My Foot Continues And Is Getting Exciting. Brace Casting.

by Jon Katz

The effort to save my foot is the most fascinating, long-lasting, and consequent, healthcare experience of my life, perhaps even more than my open heart surgery.

If not for Dr. Daly, I would have almost certainly lost a foot or at least a good part of one. I’ve had severe trouble with my left foot all my life and have seen many podiatrists and doctors.

We never got this far. And we are not about to quit.

Dr. Daly is the first to develop a comprehensive, creative plan to restore my foot and leg to a place where I can walk and be almost fully mobile. It has not been straightforward, pretty, painless, or easy. It has also been expensive.

Supposing the surgery yesterday went well and heals as expected, we are getting closer.

In that case, we will be moving into a new and perhaps final and hopefully successful face of this journey through medicine, technology, willfulness, patience, love,

There is the connection between a committed and wonderfully competent physical and a human being eager to work with her. I want to be walking every day again.

Today begins the next and hopefully final chapter in the story: I get casted by a well-known orthotist who is making a customized  $3,000 brace for my foot.

My walking problems have increased for years since the foot went flat, and I collapsed and bent my ankle. Walking gradually became painful and difficult.

Dr. Daly believed she could help and has taken up the cause, and David Missiner believes he could help with a brace. I have faith in both of them and am committed to success, even though we’ve had some wild and scary bumps.

It’s frightening at times and painful at others, but I’m determined to get through this successfully.

I sense that we are very close.

The brace will take weeks or months, and my foot will need scrutiny and careful care. I’m in good hands. Maria is committed to helping me in this process; she has been with me every step of the way; I think we all add up to a formidable team.

I would never have gotten this far without Dr. Daly, her staff, Maria, and her undying love.

I will share the process as it enters its most critical and exciting phase. I promised to be open on the blog, and I will be.

Thanks for caring and following the story. I know many people suffer much more than this, and I am grateful to be able to get this far and hopefully farther.

Things have heated up this year: a score of doctor visits, three surgeries, memorable shoots, surgical boots, bandages, hospital visits, special lotions, and socks.

Wow, as always, I love a good story, even when I am it. Life is full of crisis and mystery.


  1. Jon, What attracted me to this posting is the composition of your photograph. The softness and slightly blurred flowers in the front, the planting box providing visual weight to your picture, then the focal point, Maria and the animals, clear to the eye, the eye rests on this, then to the right, a sharp box shape draws the eye further up into the frame of your picture.= with the green softly blurred shapes of the trees in the distance. You truly do have the eye of an artist, though your medium is different to Maria’s textiles, yours would have been considered film in our day, now it is digitally adjusted on screen.
    And in addressing your foot issues, the courage and commitment you have and Maria has to this issue has been very stressful for you both, I can sense this and why would it not. I hope the end result is a success and the goal you and Dr. Daly hope to achieve. And now, to enjoy my visual treat again for this morning up above.
    Sandy Small Proudfoot, Ontario Canada.

  2. Your flower boxes are just gorgeous, and I love this picture of Maria with the animals, and the flower boxes in the foreground. I am just amazed at all the colorful blooms you have – what a FEAST for the eyes and the senses. The individual flower photos are so special too. Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us. Praying you will soon be walking daily with ease. So thankful you have a dedicated physician to help you accomplish that.

  3. I sense such intense excitement from you in this post Jon, and I’m so happy that the new foot brace casting and molding is in process. You have worked long and diligently to arrive at this point….. and I’m sure the prospect of a healthy foot and pain free walking life is SO very eagerly awaited. Also…. your flower beds/gardens are very stunning. I can’t imagine more vivid colors anywhere! I’ve come to eagerly await each days *lovelies*, thank you!
    Susan M

  4. This photo of your raised bed flower gardens is one of your very best…the amazing colors and textures just pop off the page. And, that delicious bokeh with the soft focus of the animals in the background…so special. I’m happy that the foot issues are close to being resolved…I’ve struggled with flat feet, and tight tendons in my big toes for most of my life. Not brave enough for the surgery to correct the toes, as I still manage to get around okay…so far.

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