15 June

Big New Flower Day Today: another Garden Peony “White Cap” And A Beautiful Blue Delphinium. More Photos!

by Jon Katz

On the way home from my surgery this morning, I stopped at the same farm stand where I bought the Garden Peony “White Cap” the other day and bought another won. The farmer who was selling them saw me coming, and she was tough. I could only get the price down to $45.

I got a delphinium, also two colorful additions to my garden beds. Good flowers to photograph. Above, the new peone.

Later, I’ll put up some new art photos; I’m experimenting with some different kinds of photo pictures. Come and see. In the meantime, here are some flower photos from my garden as the rain dies out. I’m excited about the different ways I am learning to see flowers and take my pictures; it’s exciting for me and, clearly, good for me.

I hope you all keep enjoying them.

I do love praise; I admit it. But then, who doesn’t?



One perspective of the new flower from Japan, the Peone White Cap.


New to the garden. Delphinium



This begonia looked regal and classic. So much dignity, I can almost hear the bell ringing.



This photo is from yesterday’s peone. I might go back and try to get the one that still remains.



  1. The peony photos are just amazing! I planted two seedlings, two years ago, and they’re finally making an appearance…I have one small bloom so far! Hopeful for more.

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