We got back from Vermont this afternoon. I returned with some fresh flowers to put in my garden bed. We had a great time as we always do, we’ve been going to the same inn even before we got married 14 years ago. Mostly, we holed up and read, ate great food, went for some walks, talked and talked, slept, and slept.
My mobility is still restricted.
I’m having more surgery on my left foot on Thursday; this should be the last medical procedure, although I’ve said that before. Friday, I’m going to get casting for my new brace, enabling me to walk normally. That will take a couple of months.
This is an intense healthcare week – two ultrasound tests, surgery, and casting. I’m both nervous and excited.
Soul of a peone
I know it looked like a messy few months and was challenging in many ways, but the prognosis is excellent all across the board.
As I hoped, it seems worth it; I’ll come out of it better in every way. People have more or less stopped pitying me and sympathizing with my surgeries.
That’s a good sign. I feel both fortunate and increasingly healthy. I won’t lie, the last week at the hospital was rough on my nerves, but that seems like a long time ago.
It was lovely to take a break from technology and return to a world where people speak to one another, not just software. I think we all need to do this once in a while.
At the Farmer’s Market today, several people complimented on me for walking well. I’m taking that as a good sign.
Maria and I are lucky. We love going away to our favorite inn for a day or two; they know us and treat us very well there. We are always glad to get home. I stopped to pick up some new flowers and got right two it.
I’ll post some art flower photos right after I post these pictures.
Thanks for all the kind notes. Thanks for liking my flower photos. We have a wonderful time, and savor every minute of our time on this earth together.
The donkeys and dogs were in great shape; we don’t make a big deal of coming or going, neither do they. I am happy to say I’ve never had a dog with separation anxiety, I suspect, because I mostly see it as a human, not a dog, condition. They reflect us, not lead us. That’s what they do.
We have a lot to do – unpacking, donkey brushing, dog ball throwing, blogging. Maria discovered many bugs and birds around the farm; I can’t tell you how much I love hauling out my photo equipment and circling the flowers for the right images. More photos later. Glad to be back.
The donkeys always sidle up to us; they love being brushed and fussed over. Until they don’t.
When I take even the shortest trip, I am reminded of how much I love our farm, our lives here with one another, the dogs, my blog, and my photos. I never dreamed of being so lucky, and I don’t believe in luck. I know our former President’s legal troubles transfix the country; I’m not joining that circus. It feels great to get away and great to come home.
No news this weekend and no technology; it was great.
I’ll be posting some art flower photos in just a few minutes. I’m having a good time experimenting with my new Leica and some different lenses. I’m learning a lot, which makes me very happy.
Thanks for caring.
glad you are home after a wonderfully restful Anniversary weekend! You both needed this so much! And……I have to say……this peony photo (illuminated pale pink with the deep green center) is one of the most spectacular photo’s (to me) ! Not sure which camera / iphone? you used…..but it is stunning and very moving to me. Happy homecoming! I missed you……..but not so much (you know what I mean!)
Susan M
Susan, thanks, I used the Iphone for that one, the Leica for the one in the next post, and the art photos..I appreciate the kind words.. That one blew my mind..
I don’t know what the little orange and yellow flowers are (last photo), but I like them best. Love their contrast with the green. And another post about a week ago or so, had a clear forefront and blurred background to it that was also great.
Hooray for a relaxing,wonderful anniversary weekend! Your flower photos are just gorgeous! I look forward to the beautiful colors everyday! Our plants are on the mend after a rogue hail storm, the dahlias are starting to bloom again!
Thank you for sharing your pictures!
Loving the Soul of a Peone photo.