7 June

Two Books For Our 14th Anniversary Trip This Weekend

by Jon Katz

June 10th marks our 14th wedding anniversary, I’m not much for anniversary and birthday celebrations, but this one is sacred to me. Friday morning, we are leaving for a two-day trek to our favorite Inn in Vermont. We honeymooned there and have gone back every June since.

We’ve even kind a room with a reading suite attached. Friday morning, we’re going on a drive along the Connecticut River, and by afternoon, we’ll be at the Inn. We’re coming home  Sunday morning; a wonderful farm-watcher is coming to stay with the animals and watch the farm.

There will be no blogging and no devices or pictures for two days.

As always, I have two books ready to come. The first is by S.A. Cosby, known as the new master of Southern Noir. I’ve come to love his mysteries. They are a little violent for me but never grotesque, and nobody captures the dark side of the South better. Our hero Titus Crown finds himself a lawman in a small rural Virginia town.

I’ve gotten to love his work and his characters. His plots are pretty wild. He captures the rural South in a brilliant way. His main character is African-American, and race hovers in the background.

The second is by Abraham Verghese, the title is The Covenant Of Water, and it’s a daunting 722 pages long. He is the author of the very wonderful The Cutting of Stone, which I have  albo bought and just might read first, now that I think of it.

I’d never put a dent in this new Verghese novel in two days unless I never got up in the morning. I’ve taken a peak. It looks fabulous.

He’s a wonderful writer, teacher, and practicing physician at Stanford University.

Our trips to Vermont are a cherished ritual. We can’t afford long vacations or leave the farm for too long. A farm is more confining than a little kid; we are very happy here.

Our marriage is a miracle to me, and I am happy to celebrate it with this wonderful person in this very comfortable, modest and peaceful way. We need to rest our brains.

I admit with are exhausted after our Spring Of Surgeries. How great it will be to sit on the patio and read. And sleep and sleep.


  1. Love your blog and sentiments re: your wedding anniversary. I love Vermont also and looking forward to late Summer/early Fall visit where a friend from Australia will join me for 3 weeks of hiking and sight-seeing around Vermont, upstate NY and Montreal. I have a friend who lives on Lake Champlain near the ferry that takes us basically to Burlington. Should be epic! I live in Santa Cruz, CA, at the beach and it is beautiful but East Coast is so differently refreshing to me!

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both. You might include N95 masks because of the Quebec and Nova Scotia fire smoke.

  3. Happy anniversary Jon and Maria! You do read a lot. One of the best books I’ve read recently is “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy.
    Enjoy your trip!

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