7 June

Inviting the Sheep And Donkeys Into The Dog Kennel. It Didn’t Last Long.

by Jon Katz

Maria invited the sheep and the donkeys into the backyard, where the dogs hang out. The grass is much greener there, and there is shade and no grazing. She just went out and invited them in, and they all followed her quite peacefully and grazed for a while.

I knew it wouldn’t last long; they would soon go after the flowers she had so painstakingly planted out there.

After a half hour or so she couldn’t take it and shooed them out. The donkeys were allowed to stay; they seem to know better than to eat Maria’s flowers.


  1. I love this picture and this post. It made me chuckle 🙂 especially the thought of the difference between what the donkeys knew was acceptable to eat and the sheep, and how wonderful long Maria lasted before she said no more! She truly is a patient and loving person.

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