7 June

Flowers Photos Despite The Wildfire Smoke From Canada. And A New S.A. Cosby Mystery

by Jon Katz

Air pollution warnings are very rare up here, but we have been getting them all week. I can smell the smoke from the massive Canadian wildflowers and have been advised to stay inside. I went out to take my morning photos, and the air is yellowing and smelled like what it is – burning wood. I didn’t stay out too long.

I love to take flower photos in the sun, but there is no sun, and the mist is thick and disturbing. The air is thick and yellow. We are used to very fresh air here, and the smoke is triggering a continuing cough from me. In New York, many schools canceled classes.

Today is a quiet day for me, with no appointments, no plans.  I think I will stay inside, except for a few trips into town.

I can’t wait to get the bookstore to pick up A.S. Cosby’s new mystery, All The Sinners Bleed. I love his Southern Noir way of writing.

The flowers didn’t really seem to mind the wildfire smoke. Come and see. People keep asking me if I am well. I am.

Without the sun, the flowers look softer and more fragile.

Every flower is beautiful in its way. My job is to capture that feeling.

I love the “soul” of flower photos. Each one does have its own feeling and soul.


  1. I once studied with a photographer of name and he was the one who told me: there is no weather that causes bad photography. In fact, he loved to go out when the light was like it must be for you right now due to the fires. Light without sharp focus. It makes for a completely different type of pictures. With flowers, it feels more intimate to me even than the ones you make in bright light.

    1. I love soft and dark light but not in wilfdfire smoke your friend is quite right but for me sun transforms flowers and brings our color which I love

  2. every flower photo is exquisite…and unique. I admire your style. you are transforming more than the lives of the refugee children and mansion dear ones, you are transforming yourself! change yourself and you become an example for thousands through your words and Life. Carry on!! Enjoy your time together for your anniversary. Sorry about the ongoing foot issues, but the end is truly in sight and you and the lovely Maria handle each unfolding episode gracefully. inspiring! have a re-newing time away in honor of your life together.

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