30 May

Sharon: It’s Not A Poem, Just Words: The Mansion And Me. “It’s Going To Be A Great Day.”

by Jon Katz

I’ve been away from the Mansion for nearly a month. They had a Covid scare, and I had two surgeries.It was a joy coming back to, day to bring bags of donated stuff, ,a box of Joan Chittister’s books on aging and some ideas for meditating

I was surprised to see Sharon there, she is a much published poet who has been in the Mansion for nearly two years and  struggles with some health issues. She loved the lifelike cat I got for her,  and was grateful for it.

Maria, who taught an art class at the Mansion this morning, told me the residents had really missed me (and especially Zinnia) and were happy I was returning. I missed them too. But I didn’t expect to be given a poem to read about to the group.

The aides said they were worried about me.

Sharon had written it, and it was about me, Maria and Zinnia.  It was a beautiful poem.

I’ll write about the meditation class later, it as beautiful.

Here is the poem, I was asked to read it aloud:

The title is “It”s Not A Poem, Just Words –  Feeling.”

“It’s going to be a great day.

I wonder if Mr. Jon Katz will be here with his dog Zinnia, his wife Maria,

sometimes comes and does projects with us.

They all bring sunshine and smiles whenevever they come.

What more could you are for, sunshine and smiles..

We don’t have stress lines, we have love lines.

May God be kind to our visiting friends.

They spread goodness and love to anone who receives.

Jon, Maria and Ainnia, We All Love You, Sharon.”



  1. Nice!
    “Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.” – Leonard Cohen

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