29 May

Heart And Soul: Two Flowers At The Free Flower Show: Heart And Soul… Go Inside…

by Jon Katz

I go inside when I need to think, grow, or face the truth about me. One of the many things I love about aging is that I have nowhere to go, but inside of me, for the answers, I’m looking for, I don’t see many people I can really talk to. I am looking for.

I think this is why I try to do the same things to the flowers, and I want to go deep inside them and capture their hearts and soul. I’m leaving you with these two flower photos and saying good night.

Tomorrow, I return to my regular work at the Mansion; Maria and I go to Bishop Gibbons on Friday. Life is what you make of it; I love mine.


  1. How beautiful to feel as though I have crawled into the interior of the flower. The light inside is beautiful. Thank you

  2. Thanks Jon and Maria. You make my day with the beautiful pictures and your thoughts. Keep enjoying and sharing your life.

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