29 May

Flower Art, Monday, May 29th, Memorial Day, 2023 We Got Our Peaceful Day

by Jon Katz

As I wrote over the weekend, there are two kinds of photos for me, regular photos and art photos, a new creative lunge for me. Today, the flower art photos are dedicated to the men and women who died and sacrificed for our country.

In particular, I was thinking of the Poppy, the flower soldiers associated with death and battle, the flowers the veterans wear in their marches. Thanks to those who kept us free.

I’ll let the flowers speak for themselves, a silent meditation.


In these two photos, the poppies are reaching for the sky, their kind of salute. Thanks to Kathleen, an angel donor from the Army Of Good, the siblings and friends of the seniors can now registr for the school and for the watchful eye of Sue Silverstein.

She’s donataing $50,000 to help pay their tuition.

The seniors are all gone.

I love seeing Maria and her friend Mandy talking so openly and happily with one another under the Apple Tree. That was a peaceful moment for sure.

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