27 May

Hail The Nastirtiums! Welcome To My Flower Beds

by Jon Katz

My Nastirums, one of my absolute favorite flowers, arrived today. There is nothing like them. The sun comes through them like a flaming torch; they are hardy and resilient.  They radiate bright colors.

Many restaurants serve Nastirtiums with salads, and people eat them with dinner. I could never eat anything as beautiful as a Nasturtium.

I bought a giant hanging basket of Nasturtiums, took them out of the pot, and distributed them in my garden beds. I am thrilled to see them.

I love to photograph them in late afternoon, when the setting sun is right behind them.


Inside the soul of a Nastirtuim is a  fantasmical wonderland.



  1. I just love the intense vibrant colors and breathtaking beauty of nature’s creations. The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

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