20 May

We Planted Ten Pine Trees This Morning, It Felt Wonderful

by Jon Katz

Maria and I planted ten very young pine tree plants in the far back pasture today.

She did the digging; I rushed back and forth from the hardware store, helped carry water, and drove the country and the mulch back. I helped bring things and also took pictures, of course.

I had to go back to the hardware store several times for stakes, tomato cages, and mulch.

Maria dragged a chair up so I could rest between running around.

I love participating in the farm chores again, it takes some heat off of Maria, and we enjoy being together.

I feel liberated.

It’s a lot of work, Maria did most of the hard part, but I was able to help a great deal, and that feels good.

I have been wearing those surgical boots for the past two years.

I am walking around much more now, but I must wait for the new brace to be fitted and made before I can walk comfortably or for longer distances.

Monday is the brace fitting; it’s finally underway.

I’m excited.


Maria painstakingly cut the chicken wires so each would fit neatly over the tomato cages protecting the plants. She had to dig the holes, haul water and distribute the mulch. I got the car close to the site so everything would be handy. I’ve never driven the car into the back pasture before; it did well.

Maria hammered stakes around the bottom of the tomato cages to keep the cells from blowing away in high winds and animals – deer, sheep, and donkeys, rabbits and moles.

The result was 10 pine tree plants covered by tomato cages and guarded by chicken wire. I may never live to see these trees all grown up, but they will protect both the farm’s privacy and its beautiful landscapes.

Maria did a great job.


  1. I really like the idea of wrapping the tomato cages in chicken wire. I lost all my tomato plants a few years ago to the deer even though the plants were in cages. If I try that again, I’ll use the chicken wire trick. Thanks, Jon and Maria.

  2. Maria is a real worker. You have been blessed in that respect. Your gift is writing. The two of you do great together.

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