9 May

New Arrivals: Happy Flowers

by Jon Katz

I got a plant or two this morning; Maria picked one up for me this afternoon.  The gardeners say planting more delicate flowers in my raised bed garden will be safe this weekend. I’m more than ready.

I haven’t sorted out all the names yet, but I wanted to share the new arrivals; I’ll study them and figure things out, like where exactly I want them to go and the best color and best way to photograph them.

I’m excited that the flower season is upon us and very happy so many people are waiting for it. I think I’m in a better creative position this summer than last, I’ve learned a lot, and I’m still learning.

I’m christening the new ones with a picture.

I’m agonizing over losing my Leica Q 2  monochrome camera; I’m scheming ways to get it back or to find as good a used one.

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