9 May

A Message Of Thanks From Folasade Tijani: “I Will Make You Proud…”

by Jon Katz

There are many good people to thank today, but I have to pause and nod my head to Sue Silverstein, who has fought long and hard for the benefit of her students; she calls them her “children.”

This week, she has helped Fosalade. But at the same time, she is helping a score of other children, many of them but not all are refugees – learn, get into college, have enough to eat and enough warm clothes to wear and soft mattresses to sleep on.

For her, this work never stops. I am lucky to be her friend. She is the friend of every student she has.

She has also almost signed-handedly revived my faith in the great promise of religion to do so much good in the world.

Her faith and so many children have taken her very far.

Today, she was h happy to tell Folasade that we have raised $3,000 for her college expenses this Fall in addition to the nearly $9,000 in fees so she can live on campus when she goes off to school in September.

She will take it from here, and Godspeed, Folasade.

There are small acts of great kindness and huge acts of great kindness. This was a big one. America remains a great country with a great heart.

Fosalade immediately wrote this message for the Army of Good and other people who helped her achieve her dream.


To The People Who Helped Me…”

I can’t begin to thank the Army Of Good for all the kindness and support. The generosity that I have been shown will allow me to attend a wonderful college program and live on campus! Living on campus will allow me to focus on my studies, complete my work-study and help me become the best healthcare professional I can be. I have always dreamed of attending such a great program, and all of you have helped to make my dream’s possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will do all I can to make you proud.”

— Follasade Tijani.


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