7 May

Morning Tea With Minnie

by Jon Katz

Every morning the sun is out, Maria takes her tea with Minnie, who is not out of the basement until December. Minnie loves to be out on the back porch and in the sun when it isn’t cold.

Since Flo died, Maria has made it a point to visit with her often on the back porch; Minnie loves to get her neck scratched since she can’t do that with her leg amputated.

I guess Minnie, and I have more in common than I thought. This is one of the sweet rituals of Bedlam Farm. Maria’s new thing is to rescue bugs, flies, and spiders from the animals’ outdoor water tub. They fall into the water for one reason or another.

I admit that would never occur to me. I do re-home spiders now rather than kill them..



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