I’ve been taking animal photos for some time now, and the challenge for me is to capture the soul of the animal’s eyes, especially the dogs. This is often difficult since dogs are rarely comfortable looking directly into any other animal’s eyes.
Labs are easier. If you put a biscuit on the top of your head, they will stare at you forever. Zinnia’s eyes reveal her soul, just like a donkey’s. I got her to look at me today without a biscuit.
When Minnie comes out of the basement, she stays out until Fall. She used to cuddle with Flo, but now she curls herself up into a ball and sits on her wicker chair on the back porch. I wasn’t sure where her head was until I saw her ears at the bottom of the picture.
Sometimes at night, she will go into the barn and lie on a bale of hay. She is, as always, a barn cat at heart.
It got very windy this afternoon; I took my camera out to see if I could catch leaves blowing in the wind. I was trying for a different kind of picture. This is experimentation time.
I didn’t quite get that, but I did get a picture of a dog peering at me through the leaves.