27 April

Ooops. Wrong Week, The Stitches Come Out Next Thursday, Not Today

by Jon Katz

Maria and I both got our calendars messed up; our heads are spinning as we settle down and get back to work.

Today was the day to examine the wound and change the bandages. It’s only been two weeks since the surgery, not three.

And Dr. Daly always waits until the end of the third week to remove the stitches and release me from the restrictions I’m still under – no shower, keeping the foot elevated and iced, staying off it as much as possible.

I saw the toe for the third time; it is still hard but slowly getting more accessible. Only time will really change this.

When the trouble started: July 19, 2022

My bandages have come off the past two nights – I’m not sleeping much and do a lot of thrashing around – so I’m glad the new ones are tightly wrapped.

Maria brought her sketchpad and showed me the first sketch she made when this round of foot trouble started – in July of 2021. It’s been going on for a long time.

She also showed me the sketch she did in the waiting room this morning. This chapter has a week to go, sorry. Dr. Daly said the food was healing beautifully and she expected to take the stitches out next week.

Today’s Sketch


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