27 April

New Chapter. The Fog Always Clears. The Stitches Come Out This Morning, Last Recovery Journal

by Jon Katz

The stitches come out this foggy morning. Maria and I are heading out to get breakfast at a new diner we’ve discovered on the way to Saratoga and Dr. Daly. I’m bringing my regular shoes, no more bandages or stitches (I hope.) Onto the new brace, which will take a few months to measure and make.

Another foggy morning, Maria is working on a new plan to spread the manure around the pasture. This season makes a difference; we are a week or two away from halting the hay.

I’m heading to the Mansion later to see the beautiful things someone sent us from Virginia. I’ll get her name also. I know she is a member of the Army Of Good.

Today feels good, the end of one chapter, the beginning of another. And tomorrow, I can take a shower! It’s always the small things. What I need and wish is to get on with my life. Maria wants the same thing.

I am happy to see the new South Wall on the Pole Barn (above). Looks like a barn. We’re painting it red this weekend, weather permitting.

This is my last Recover Journal; thanks for sticking with meā€”time to move on.



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