27 April

Linda And Her Daughter Meagan From Virginia: Heroes Of The Army Of Good. Lighting Up The Mansion With Carefully Chosen Gifts

by Jon Katz

Last week, Mansion Activities Director Paryese Bates Becker received two big boxes to her at the Mansion.

Many people have been good enough to send things to the Mansion in the years we’ve been doing this. But I’ve never quite seen anything like the gifts a woman and her granddaughter in Virginia worked on so creatively,  soaking up words I’ve written about the Mansion and its residents.

I am humbled and somewhat awed. These were boxes full of gifts for everyone. Every one of them was chosen for a reason.

Their gifts had some people crying; they were thoughtful, generous, and beautiful. They had the advantage of being entertaining, personal, and useful. That is not an easy thing to do.

Today I went to the Mansion to see what was in those boxes and the letter  Linda Coleman and Meghan sent to Paryese from Virginia. I have never quite seen anything like it.  I was amazed.

The first paragraph:

Hello, Paryese; I am honored to be a Jon Katz’s Army of Good member! And I’m glad that you and I connected on April 11th, and I was able to pull my project together. Things should work out to three pairs of socks per resident, and I hope 20 pairs of unisex gripper sole socks in the second box are sufficient. I’m also happy for the Mansion’s staff to have a team or two.


(Paryese helps Ann choose from a box of summer hats.)

I’m sure the residents are looking forward to being outside in the Spring and Summer, whether just sitting on the porch, planting and tending flowers, or taking a stroll. I hope the hats/ caps in the second box provide shade from the sun’s rays.

In the rest of the letter, she names more than half of the Mansion residents by name  (from my blog). She describes the personalized socks she chose for each one, including nine pairs of Yellow Lab socks for the residents who love Zinnia so much, 22 pairs with colorful patterns of dogs, birds, and flowers, 17 for individuals with special interests, and 22 pairs specially made for men.

She made enough for the aides and for some local people in need.

Anne got white socks with musical symbols and chose a hat to keep the sun off in the summer.

There were ten pairs of crew and “heart” ankle shoes for the “ladies.”

Jim got his musical-themed socks. He plays the guitar.

The list goes on…and on.

I’ve never seen gifts personalized in such a thoughtful and careful way before. I can only imagine how long it took  Linda and Megan to do this. I wish she were here to see the delight and excitement in the Mansion when these gifts arrived.

Some are going into Mother’s Day socks, and some are being distributed bit by bit. All are needed and have the sweetest personal touches. Everyone in the Mansion will get something, all in bright colors with special designs and symbols.

Charlie is a passionate fisherman; his room is filled with rods he used in his other life. He will love these fishy socks.

I wish I didn’t live 400 miles away from Cambridge and the Mansion,” wrote Linda, “I know it’s a lovely place full of lovely people I would surely enjoy meeting. With hugs and blessings to all, Linda Coleman,” Alexandria, Virginia.

These boxes, the letter, and the great heart behind them deeply touched me and everyone at the Mansion. The residents are writing Linda a note of thanks. I admit this is sometimes lonely work, but people like Linda make it wonderful.

Each one of these gifts is both personal and useful.

They also spread great joy and gratitude from people who often feel left behind and forgotten.

Thank you so much, Linda and Megan; I hope you know how much these gifts mean to the people receiving them. You are the personalization of good, an inspiration to all of us, and I am proud beyond words to have you in the Army Of Good.

You and Meghan are what it is all about, you keep me hopeful. The honor is all mine. I am honored to know you.

And p.so,  it’s sweet to know that some people are really paying attention.


  1. WOW! A true gift from the heart from Megan and Linda. Can’t get more personal and generous than that…….. and the joy their gifts will spread is enormous. Yeah Megan and Linda!
    Susan M

  2. What a lovely, well researched and considerate gift! Kudos to Linda and Meghan for the time and effort put into this gift, and the wonderfully personalized notes detailing who gets what. Well Done!

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