26 April

At Last, The Barn Regains It’s Soul. Thanks, Mehlon.

by Jon Katz

The big plastic window on the barn – put in eight years ago when I wasn’t paying attention – is finally gone, Mehlon, our young Amish friend is replacing it with wood and also inserting an old farm window.

I feel like the barn has regained it’s soul, that plastic has bothered me every time I see it. We’re going to paint it this weekend.

I don’t take photos of Amish people any longer,  I sometimes use photos taken early on in my friendship, but even then rarely. The Amish – some sects – don’t like to be photography, they fear it builds egos.

I asked Mehlon to step out the way. He is awfully nice and hard working. He painted our house last year. I didn’t want to put him in an awkward position.

When Amish children reach the age of 21, they can keep any of the money they earn.

Before that, it goes to the family. Mehlon is 21.  It’s nice to have a horse in the back yard again, he is winnying a lot to the donkeys, who are braying back at him. I have no problem taking pictures of Amish horses. Melon takes wonderful care of his horse.

I’m going into the bank this morning to pay him in cash. We are lucky to know him.

It is nice to see a working horse in our backyard. The donkeys are envious – he’s eating the grass.

This morning, I’m off to Saratoga Springs to pick up the train kit for the Mansion. I’m bringing it over there around lunch time. There is a lot of excitement about it. Thanks so much for your support.


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