25 April

Meditation Class: Talk Of Rebirth And Reimagining Ourselves. Sharon Shares Two Poems

by Jon Katz

At The Mansion today, I decided not to bring any books to read, I wanted to have an hour long conversation about getting older. Hour long conversations are rare at the Mansion, but we made it all the way.

Thanks to an Army Of Good member named Wendy Olstad, a longtime reader of the blog, every member of the meditation class will get their own copy of Joan Chittister’s beautuful book The Gift Of Years.

I am humbled to have someone like Wendy reading my blog and supporting my work. Every time I feel bad about myself or someone feels bad about me, I think of people like Wendy and it lifts me right up.

We had a conversation for nearly an hour about the liberation aging can bring and the rebirth it offers people who are open to change and new ways of thinking and living.

I acknowledged the loss associated with aging, but we also talked about the gain. We are free to give rebirth to ourselves, perhaps for the last time.

These are the themes in Chittister’s book. I saw smiles and nodding heads and every singe member of the class raised their hands when I asked who wanted their own book.

I was very surprised and very pleased. The aides told me the residents look forward to these classes all week and I got many questions about meditation this morning. Most everone in the class is trying it. “I forget it someetimes,” said Ellen, “but when I remember to do it, I love it.”

I was very happy to see Sharon Denny, a poet and resident whose health issues kept her away from the class.  She fights to come back.

She had published at least a dozen book  of her own poetry and is still  writing when she can. She asked me for a realistic cat a few months and has repeatedly told me how much it means to her. She is often in pain, and struggles to write.

She brought two poems to the class and gave me permission to post them on the blog. I am very happy to do that.

The first is called Sugar Free:

Sugar free, that’s my stile, 

To save my life and be a round awhile.

 I said to my granddaughter I’m aiming for one hundred

My dreams are crashing

I slip u p, my dreams are crashing

Take a deep breath, let it out slow

Start fresh and oh…Go on, your life is depending on it.

Sharon D.


Sincere Expression

I am trying to make a poem,

it has been a while.

To search for words

To tell a story

Trying to make sense

And bring about a smisle.

Everyone has a story

some are sweet and some are vile.

Is your story happ or sad?

You can tell your own story in a while.

-Sharon D.


The books, thanks Wendy

Thanks to the Army Of Goodmember from Virginia who sent more than 30 gripped slippers and caps to the Mansion, one for every reason. I’m hoping to get a picture of her wonderful work and post it on blog.  People are good.


  1. This is my poem on aging


    I am aging …

    hatefully … gratefully

    fearfully… cheerfully

    unaware … taking care

    without choice… with a voice

    haphazardly… painstakingly

    thankful for the chance

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