25 April

An Aging Queen Minnie Surveying Her Kingdom

by Jon Katz

The sun came out this afternoon and so did I. I walked with my camera to check out the new clouds and the beautiful blue sky, which was showing itself after a few days off.

I was startled to see Minnie, sitting on the stone wall like a Queen off of the porch for the first time this Spring and soaking in the sun, regally observing her kingdom and she turns 17.

Her companion Flo died a few months ago, and Minnie sits alone, and sleeps outside in the barn or the back porch by herself. It was very nice to see her seating out there so peacefully.

When she was younger and when she had four legs she loved to climb fence posts and stone walls and search the horizons for mice and moles. Today, I think she just wanted to soak in the sun and survey her kingdom.

Minnie is a verbal and chatty cat, she always talks to me and Maria, and Maria often understands what she is saying. She seem very peaceful today and I thanked her for the beautiful picture.

She meowed back at me.


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