24 April

Labs Know Everything But How To Do Nothing: They Have To Be Taught That

by Jon Katz

My observation about Labs is that they know how to do anything but nothing.

A key part of my training is to teach them it’s okay to do nothing, and then they learn to relax and rush around the yard and the woods.

No playing in the house, no throwing of balls all day. Exercise is confined to the backyard and only at certain times. Lots of calming trying, my specialty.

People crank up Labs by throwing things at them all day and then wondering why they are so energetic. Zinnia is a very active dog – outside, on walks, in the woods, chasing after a ball.

She sleeps quietly in the house and in my study; she never comes near me while I am working. And she is calm and gentle in her therapy work.

Labs must be shown how to do nothing and be active. Zinnia, bless her soul, knows how to do both. When I am outside taking my pictures, she just lies down and goes to sleep.


  1. What a sweet companion, and a sweet photo. She seems to be a truly wonderful dog, as she has to be as such a good therapy dog. Wish I could meet her.

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