24 April

Four Flowers: Something Bright To Mark The Night

by Jon Katz

I have only two more days of confinement; unless something changes, the stitches come out on Thursday. Soon, I’ll have another brace to straighten my leg and get me walking. All good.

I went outside to take a few more photos of the beautiful flowers she brought me yesterday from the Farmer’s Market.

I’ve been working all day on various projects – books for my meditation class and lessons, money for a train set for the Mansion, recycled things for Bishop Gibbons.

I had a lot of work to do today. I went out with my camera to take another swipe at the beautiful flowers Maria gave me. I’m posting several.

We are tarping my raised garden bed; the temperature is supposed to drop to 34 tonight and tomorrow, then warm up. I suspect my seeds will be fine, but I’m not taking any chances.

Maria is pretty much back on her usual working schedule, which is good for her and me. She took great care of me.

Tomorrow, Mansion Meditation Class, and I hope, the purchase of a training kit, assuming I’ll raise enough money. I’m close; I’m confident I will.


  1. Jon, your flower pictures have an ethereal quality to them that is so pretty – very Monet-like. I love them, they evoke a peaceful feeling in me.

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