20 April

The Sheep Are Smelling Grass And Very Eager To Get To It. Not Yet, Kids.

by Jon Katz

We’re still feeding the sheep hay and closing the gates on the North and South Pastures. Sheep eat low and will pull up the grassroots if they get to the grass too early. I don’t expect them to graze freely for several weeks until the grass can take root securely and is three or four inches deep.

The sheep are going stir-crazy, and so are the donkeys. They want to get to fresh grass, their natural diet. They will have to wait, in the meantime, stuck in the paddock, the are nibbling away, it’s the best they can get.


  1. Hi, Jon. I’ve always enjoyed the pictures of the sheep, especially when they’ve been newly shorn. I’ve lost count – how many sheep do you and Maria have at present? FYI – very jealous of your blooming apple tree. No tree buds yet up here in Alberta.

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