20 April

Spring. Time For Rebirth And Renewal: And Chasing Balls In Open Pastures

by Jon Katz

Bedlam Farm is coming back to life. The maple trees are sprouting so are the flowers in Maria’s garden and my raised beds. W are planning early this year, and the forecasts say warm days are ahead, starting tomorrow.

I love taking pictures of the farm from the South pasture; it’s about the only view that encompasses all of the buildings on the farm. And Spring is breaking out all over the place – the grass is coming up in the pasture, on the trees, in the back and front yards.

I feel a sense of rebirth and renewal; Zinnia’s favorite thing is to chase a ball in the South pasture. She isn’t a graceful runner like Fate, but she is full of energy and enthusiasm.  This was the first day I could walk out on my surgical boot. I did overdo it a bit, and I will get some rest.

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